
I am Csaba,

... with years of experience in industrial and academic projects from the fields of static analysis, data-intensive systems, software maintenance and evolution.

“To accomplish something extraordinary, one must have an extraordinary dream. A goal so high, a journey so demanding that its achievement to most seems impossible.” — IM


I am an experienced software engineer and researcher with a strong track record in high-quality research, software development, team leadership, and project management.

Currently, I am a freelance software engineer based in Zurich, Switzerland. Previously, I was a postdoc researcher of the REVEAL research group at the Software Institute of Università della Svizzera italiana, led by Prof. Michele Lanza. I have also served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Szeged, where I earned my Ph.D. in Informatics in 2014 under the guidance of Prof. Tibor Gyimóthy and Prof. Rudolf Ferenc. Additionally, I completed my MSc in Computer Programming in Economics at the University of Szeged. After my Ph.D., I spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Namur, supervised by Prof. Anthony Cleve.

My research has always been driven by intriguing problems in the software engineering industry. As a student, I enjoyed contributing to research projects that led to the development of software used by software development companies. Later, I had the opportunity to plan and lead R&D projects involving several companies and hundreds of developers.


Source Code Analysis

Analyzing source code, i.e., implementing parsers, working with syntax trees for static checkers or optimization algorithms in compilers.

Software Migration

Supporting software migration through re-documentation, reverse engineering, automatic transformations, automatic database migration.

Quality & Refactoring

Supporting the maintenance of software systems, analyzing source code quality, identifying smells and optimization opportunities, implementing automatic refactorings.

Data-Intensive Systems

Optimizing software-database interactions through the analysis of SQL code embedded in client code, looking for potential problems, performance issues.


Software Institute,
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Campus Est
Via la Santa 1
6962 Viganello (TI)

© Csaba Nagy, All rights reserved.